Homeopathy and Beyond is a Private Member Health Association (PMHA) – dedicated to assisting Sovereign Women and Men in reaching and maintaining their full potential.

Dr. Clare and Carole work side by side together to formulate an Individualized treatment plan with not only Homeopathy but also knowing the importance of Lifestyle changes – all with the long-term goal of helping women and men to reach their full potential. This is accomplished by utilizing all forms and potencies of Homeopathy – including the use of High Potency Homeopathic remedies supported by Homeopathic Counselling to assist with changing the Emotional and Mental patterns (programs) and blueprints that prevent women and men from reaching their potential. 

Both Carole and Dr. Clare are HeartMATH Certified Practitioners.

Customized Healing for Holistic Wellness

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Our philosophy centres around treating the whole individual holistically to ensure complete recovery and sustained wellness. Committed to ongoing education and individualized care, we guide men, women and their family members through a personalized plan to bring the body, mind and spirit into balance and enhance quality of life.

our philosphy

Dr. Clare Westmacott

Dr. Clare was in a solo rural practice for 23 years, during which time the Family Practice included – Office, Hospital, Emergency Department, On-call rotations, family practice obstetrics, nursing homes and house calls. In 1998, Dr. Clare studied Homeopathy in England at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital obtaining his LFHom. He returned to England in 2006 and obtained his MD MFHom – Member of the Faculty of Homeopathy for Medical Doctors. All of the professors were Medical Doctors who had integrated Homeopathy into their practices. 


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Carole Westmacott

Carole is a Registered Nurse with extensive experience in patient assessment beginning in 2 different Emergency Departments, as well as in a family practice setting, special duty nursing and in a nursing home. This patient assessment experience allows Carole to see everyone in a Compassionate and non-judgmental way.

Carole is also a published author with a book called ‘Finding The Light’. In this book of Inspirational Poems, she included nursing experiences as a stepping stone to a deeper understanding of who we truly are. 

The Westmacotts made a Conscious decision to combine the feminine and masculine principle in their practice and therefore in their understanding and treatment of each individual – which has proved most effective in their integrated form of healing treatment protocols. 


Published Author – ‘Finding The Light’- A book of Inspirational Poems.

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What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on natural laws of healing. It provides safe, effective treatment for mental, emotional, and physical ailments by stimulating the body’s recuperative powers or “vital force,” allowing the body to heal itself and return to optimum health. Treatment aims to remove the cause of illness rather than just alleviating symptoms. Each individual experiences symptoms uniquely, and homeopathy matches this unique picture to a single remedy or specific combinations of remedies.

Homeopathy was formulated by German physician Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago, though the natural law it’s based on was known to physicians centuries earlier. Ancient Ayurvedic texts and figures like Paracelsus and Hippocrates referenced the Law of Similars or “like cures like.” This law states that a substance causing symptoms in a healthy person can cure those symptoms in a sick person. Examples include nitroglycerin for heart issues and quinine for malaria.

The homeopathic pharmacopoeia today contains over 3000 remedies derived from plant, mineral, and animal sources. These remedies’ healing properties have been verified repeatedly in clinical practice. 

Homeopathy differs from herbal therapy due to its distinct method of prescribing and remedy production involving

sequential dilutions and successions to free the healing energy or vital force of the original source material. Being an energetic healing modality, Homeopathy uses the energy that has been released from the source material to heal and alter the individual's energetic patterns – facilitating change.

Homeopathy is gaining popularity as people seek a holistic approach to health care. It is practiced worldwide in private clinics and hospitals, with a growing community of lay homeopaths treating simple health problems using low potencies (below 30CH). Practitioners include medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, nurses, midwives, chiropractors, and veterinarians. Remedies are available as pellets or drops that dissolve under the tongue.

Homeopathy: Past & Present

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Homeopathy was formulated by German physician Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago, though the natural law it’s based on was known to physicians centuries earlier. Ancient Ayurvedic texts and figures like Paracelsus and Hippocrates referenced the Law of Similars or “like cures like.” This law states that a substance causing symptoms in a healthy person can cure those symptoms in a sick person. Examples include nitroglycerin for heart issues and quinine for malaria.

The homeopathic pharmacopoeia today contains over 3000 remedies derived from plant, mineral, and animal sources. These remedies’ healing properties have been verified repeatedly in clinical practice. 

Homeopathy differs from herbal therapy due to its distinct method of prescribing and remedy production involving sequential dilutions and successions to free the healing energy or vital force of the original source material. Being an energetic healing modality, Homeopathy uses the energy that has been released from the source material to heal and alter the individual's energetic patterns – facilitating change.

Homeopathy is gaining popularity as people seek a holistic approach to health care. It is practiced worldwide in private clinics and hospitals, with a growing community of lay homeopaths treating simple health problems using low potencies (below 30CH). Practitioners include medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, nurses, midwives, chiropractors, and veterinarians. Remedies are available as pellets or drops that dissolve under the tongue.

How does homeopathic drainage work?

Homeopathic drainage begins the healing process and prepares the patient for continued healing. It differs from herbal cleanses by detoxifying cells and enzyme systems, allowing each cell to function properly. In our increasingly toxic world, regular internal cleansing is crucial. Homeopathic drainage uses a series of drops.

What illness can be treated?

Homeopathy treats both acute and chronic health problems. Minor ailments like colds, flu, digestive upsets, or injuries resolve quickly. More deep-seated issues, such as eczema, allergies, arthritis, or chronic emotional or mental dysfunctions (e.g., fear, depression, anxiety), require longer treatment with a “Constitutional” remedy based on an extensive interview and medical history that provides a complete picture of the individual at mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.

How many treatments are needed?

The number of treatments depends on the individual and the nature of their condition. The severity, complexity, and duration of the illness determine the number of visits required. True healing occurs from the inside out in its own time and cannot be forced.

Who can receive homeopathic treatment?

Homeopathy is safe and effective for all ages: from babies and small children to pregnant women, adults, and the elderly. It works by gently stimulating the individual’s innate curative capacity.

Will I need to make any lifestyle changes?

Lifestyle changes - not just physically, but - more importantly, how we think, feel and re-act (our programs) are ESSENTIAL for complete and permanent healing to occur.